¿why am i not able to download updates for OFFICE 2003? -eloy.


jack jones

recently i bought OFFICE 2003 and was recommended to update downloads from
microsoft.com "Office Family" for OFFICE 2003 but when i click on "downnload
and install" nothing happens. kindly assist so that i may feel like i made
to right choice of buying this product. thank you. jack jones.

Jabez Gan

Hey Jack,

May i know from what link are you trying to download the updates for Office

Let me suggest that you go to http://www.officeupdate.com and click on the
Check for Updates link. If you are having issues trying to download, please
see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/304498

Also, you can only use Internet Explorer to download updates from Office

If the above doesn't work, please try downloading from Microsoft Update, at
http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx. Install the
ActiveX applet and do a scan. It will prompt you to download and install
Office 2003's critical updates. (For non-critical updates, you will need to
download from office Update (the link I gave above).

Hope this helps.

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