‘dashboard’ Form/Query to provide different data from the same fie



(I was really not sure how to title this question, but here is the problem)

I want to create an all-purpose form that will give me the information in
the Form example below. Can someone give me some ideas/pointers as to the
best way of achieving this, what would be the best approach. Should I use:

Single form (can it have multiple queries?)
Various subforms (with separate queries?)

Can I use one master query to serve these various requirements, if so, would
I put the criteria, etc on the form itself? If so, where would that go?

I think I can deal with the criteria for A, B C. but what would I use for D,
E, F.?

The Form: (the A,B,C’s are just for reference)

A. This week (total 7 Days)
Points Correct Points Incorrect Total Answered

B. Previous Week (total 7 Days)
Points Correct Points Incorrect Total Answered

C. Month Ago (total 4 weeks)
Points Correct Points Incorrect Total Answered

D. Best week to date: 03/05/06
Points Correct Points Incorrect Total Answered

E. Best Days: Tuesdays

F. Worst Days: Fridays

Sample Data (it extends back to 12 months)

TestDate AllAnswers Correct Wrong P% Correct P%Wrong
01/10/2006 13 7 6 53.85% 46.15%
02/10/2006 13 7 6 53.85% 46.15%
03/10/2006 16 6 10 37.50% 62.50%
04/10/2006 16 14 2 87.50% 12.50%

This is my SQL:

SELECT tbl_Scores_Running_Totals.TestDate, Count(*) AS AllAnswers,
Sum(tbl_Scores_Running_Totals.Tempscore) AS Correct, Abs(Sum([TempScore]=0))
AS Wrong, [Correct]/[AllAnswers] AS PercentCorrect, [Wrong]/[AllAnswers] AS
FROM tbl_Scores_Running_Totals
GROUP BY tbl_Scores_Running_Totals.TestDate
ORDER BY tbl_Scores_Running_Totals.TestDate DESC , Count(*) DESC ,
Sum(tbl_Scores_Running_Totals.Tempscore) DESC , Abs(Sum([TempScore]=0)) DESC;

I want to ideally cut down on the number of queries/forms (my db is
suffering from objects density, and its getting messier by the day…)

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