0 Duration vs.0 Units




I think I know the answer but wanted to get some feedback in case
there's something I'm missing.

I'm setting up Operational projects just for the purpose of capturing
actual work. No work is scheduled.

What I've noticed is there's no real difference between these two

1. Set Duration to 0; assign resources at 100%
2. Assign Resources at 0% each


Kevin M

Hi Andy,

If you're trying to keep the reported work on the project "off the books"
until you can enter in the known duration and effort, that should work.

Since project work is calculated as "duration" X "units" setting either of
those variables to 0 will result in 0 work calculated. If you are going to do
your tracking this way I would recommend checking to make sure you have your
Tools -> Options -> General set on "Fixed Duration" for the default task type
and uncheck "New tasks are effort driven" so that work will be calcuated
based on the duration you enter and units assigned with no schedule

Hope this helps,
Kevin M.


Hi Andy,

If you're trying to keep the reported work on the project "off the books"
until you can enter in the known duration and effort, that should work.

Since project work is calculated as "duration" X "units" setting either of
those variables to 0 will result in 0 work calculated. If you are going to do
your tracking this way I would recommend checking to make sure you have your
Tools -> Options -> General set on "Fixed Duration" for the default task type
and uncheck "New tasks are effort driven" so that work will be calcuated
based on the duration you enter and units assigned with no schedule

Hope this helps,
Kevin M.

Kevin, we're defaulting to non-effort driven tasks in general.
I'm surprised that you say I should use Fixed Duration for even these
with 0 Duration. I am using Fixed Duration for some support tasks
where I'm pre-assigning resources a certain % , e.g., 20% up front for
support work. But, I didn't the ones that are only capturing actuals
would need to be fixed duration.

Please elaborate on that as well as what you mean by "Schedule


Kevin M

Hey Andy, I'd just thought that if you were setting up tasks as 0 duration to
start because you have the FTE units entered but don't want to show any work,
having all FD tasks would make the work calculation simple if you change
their duration later. Depends on what works for you

"Crashing" is performed with fixed work, basically it means adding
additional resources to a task to shorten the duration. The classic example
is two painters can paint a room in half the time of one. I've never actually
done it... my experience is FTE resources are usually the scarcest.


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