0x800ccc0f and 0x80042108 errors



On my laptop I use wireless network connection and have two email accounts on
my Outlook - Home & Work. When I am at home or at a colleagues place, I can
send and receive on both accounts with no problem. But, when I come to my
place of work it does not receive from the Home account. I get the error
0x800ccc0f. Connection to the server interupted. I disabled my Norton for
incoming mail and it came back with the error 0x80042108. Unable to connect
to incoming POP3 server.
What can I do to rectify this?
I created the Work account recently, after Norton had been installed.

Brian Tillman

Rayasiom said:
On my laptop I use wireless network connection and have two email
accounts on my Outlook - Home & Work. When I am at home or at a
colleagues place, I can send and receive on both accounts with no
problem. But, when I come to my place of work it does not receive
from the Home account. I get the error 0x800ccc0f. Connection to the
server interupted. I disabled my Norton for incoming mail and it
came back with the error 0x80042108. Unable to connect to incoming
POP3 server.
What can I do to rectify this?
I created the Work account recently, after Norton had been installed.

Your network admins may not allow connection to outside POP or SMTP servers
with the work network. It is certainly a security risk. Ask them.


Thanks - I'll ask them.

Brian Tillman said:
Your network admins may not allow connection to outside POP or SMTP servers
with the work network. It is certainly a security risk. Ask them.

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