0x800CCC0F Connection to the server has been interrupted



Hi All,

I am using Outlook 2002 on Win2K Pro. My send/receive process checks email
for 7 email addresses. Yesterday, I moved 3 of those from one hosting
service A to hosting service B. I already had 3 email addresses at host
service B, so now 6 of the 7 go to the same POP3 server. Once I did that, I
started receiving the 0x800CCC0F "The connection to the server was
interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or
Internet service provider (ISP)." message for one of the addresses.

I contacted tech support for host service B and they say it's a virus
checker / firewall problem. I have seen other postings about that, and even
the MS Knowledgebase article. The reason I disagree is that the only thing
that changed is the move of the 3 emails to host B. My virus checker,
hardware firewall, router config, etc. are all still the same. If I remove 2
of the emails from the send/receive list, then it works fine.

It appears to me that Outlook 2002 might be doing a multi-threaded operation
to hit all of the email addresses at the same time. If that is true, perhaps
having it single-thread might resolve this since it appears the hosting
company is clueless. Any ideas would be appreciated since I still need to
move 5 more email addresses to host B. Also, let me know if there is a more
appropriate newsgroup to post this to.


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