Kevin Davidson
This morning I started getting persistent errors from Outlook 2002:
Task '[my email account] - Sending and Receiving' reported error
(0x800CCC97) : 'Unknown Error 0x800CCC97'
It's been happening for about 7 hours. I actually do get mail OK, but the
error message keeps popping up. My ISP has no suggestions, but other users
accessing the same mail server with Outlook are not reporting problems. I
didn't change anything I know of except three windows 2000 Security updates
just went on (817606, 822679, 823559).
This is Microsoft Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219) SP-2, and the computer is
Windows 2000 SP-3. I use the OutClass add-in for Spam filtering (not newly
I turned on a trace and the results are below.
2003.07.11 15:10:55 <<<< Logging Started (level is LTF_TRACE) >>>>
2003.07.11 15:10:55 Successfully initialized the resource manager
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: Authorizing to server")
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: [tx] USER [my email account
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: <rx> +OK 0 messages")
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: <rx> +OK Need a password")
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: [tx] PASS ********")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> .")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b2258]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 4/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Comparing server
and local blobs")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b2258]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 5/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 001b08f0]: AddDeferredCall:
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Checking for
messages to delete")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: End execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 00180c30] (00001000)
returns 00000000
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b2258]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED2003.07.11 15:11:12
Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code =
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK You have 0 messages
totaling 554 octets from [my mail directory here]")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText2003.07.11 15:11:12
"[THIS: 00180c30] POP3: Authorized to host(flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000,
code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "2003.07.11 15:11:12
Callback::LogTextCPOPDeferredCallTask: Begin execution[THIS: 001885a8] ")
(flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Connected to host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 1/3
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 2/4
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] STAT")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPQuitTask: Begin execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 00180c30] (00001000)
returns 00000000
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnecting from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] QUIT")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK qs_tech InterMail POP3
server signing off.")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnected from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 1/1
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 001b08f0]: Synch operation
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK 1 554")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 3/5
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] UIDL")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK ")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> .")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 4/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Comparing server
and local blobs")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 0018f3e8]: SyncItem:
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ManifestCallback::ImportAddMod[THIS: 001885a8]
(dwAction = PCB_ADD, URL = POP://[mail server url])
2003.07.11 15:11:12 (ImportAddMod returns: 0x000c8104)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 5/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 0018f3e8]: AddDeferredCall:
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Checking for
messages to delete")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: End execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPGetTask: Begin execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 001b06d8] (00001000)
returns 00000000
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 1/2
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] LIST")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK 0 messages (554
octets) [1 control message(s) hidden]")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> .")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 2/3
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 3/4
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPGetTask: End execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPDeferredCallTask: Begin
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 00180c30] (00001000)
returns 00000000
[******* here is the error ******]
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x800ccc97)
[******* here is the error ******]
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText2003.07.11 15:11:12
Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 001a3b78] (00001000) returns 00000000
[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPQuitTask: Begin execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnecting from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] QUIT")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK Bye!")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnected from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001a3b78]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 1/1
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001a3b78]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 0018f3e8]: Synch operation
Task '[my email account] - Sending and Receiving' reported error
(0x800CCC97) : 'Unknown Error 0x800CCC97'
It's been happening for about 7 hours. I actually do get mail OK, but the
error message keeps popping up. My ISP has no suggestions, but other users
accessing the same mail server with Outlook are not reporting problems. I
didn't change anything I know of except three windows 2000 Security updates
just went on (817606, 822679, 823559).
This is Microsoft Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219) SP-2, and the computer is
Windows 2000 SP-3. I use the OutClass add-in for Spam filtering (not newly
I turned on a trace and the results are below.
2003.07.11 15:10:55 <<<< Logging Started (level is LTF_TRACE) >>>>
2003.07.11 15:10:55 Successfully initialized the resource manager
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: Authorizing to server")
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: [tx] USER [my email account
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: <rx> +OK 0 messages")
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: <rx> +OK Need a password")
2003.07.11 15:11:11 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:11 "POP3: [tx] PASS ********")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> .")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b2258]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 4/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Comparing server
and local blobs")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b2258]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 5/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 001b08f0]: AddDeferredCall:
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Checking for
messages to delete")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b2258] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: End execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 00180c30] (00001000)
returns 00000000
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b2258]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED2003.07.11 15:11:12
Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code =
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK You have 0 messages
totaling 554 octets from [my mail directory here]")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText2003.07.11 15:11:12
"[THIS: 00180c30] POP3: Authorized to host(flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000,
code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "2003.07.11 15:11:12
Callback::LogTextCPOPDeferredCallTask: Begin execution[THIS: 001885a8] ")
(flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Connected to host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 1/3
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 2/4
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] STAT")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPQuitTask: Begin execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 00180c30] (00001000)
returns 00000000
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnecting from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] QUIT")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK qs_tech InterMail POP3
server signing off.")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnected from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 1/1
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 001b08f0]: Synch operation
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK 1 554")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 3/5
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] UIDL")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK ")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> .")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 4/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Comparing server
and local blobs")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 0018f3e8]: SyncItem:
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ManifestCallback::ImportAddMod[THIS: 001885a8]
(dwAction = PCB_ADD, URL = POP://[mail server url])
2003.07.11 15:11:12 (ImportAddMod returns: 0x000c8104)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 5/6
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 0018f3e8]: AddDeferredCall:
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: Checking for
messages to delete")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001885a8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPManifestTask: End execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPGetTask: Begin execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 001b06d8] (00001000)
returns 00000000
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 1/2
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] LIST")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001885a8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK 0 messages (554
octets) [1 control message(s) hidden]")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> .")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 2/3
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_CONNECTED) Progress = 3/4
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001b06d8] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPGetTask: End execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 00180c30] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPDeferredCallTask: Begin
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 00180c30] (00001000)
returns 00000000
[******* here is the error ******]
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001b06d8]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x800ccc97)
[******* here is the error ******]
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 00180c30]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText2003.07.11 15:11:12
Callback::ExecuteThread[THIS: 001a3b78] (00001000) returns 00000000
[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags = LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "CPOPQuitTask: Begin execution")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnecting from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: [tx] QUIT")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: <rx> +OK Bye!")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::LogText[THIS: 001a3b78] (flags =
LTF_TRACE, hr = 00000000, code = 00000000,
2003.07.11 15:11:12 "POP3: Disconnected from host")
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001a3b78]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_INPROGRESS) Progress = 1/1
2003.07.11 15:11:12 Callback::ReportStatus[THIS: 001a3b78]
(ulAsynchPhase = RSF_COMPLETED, hrStatus = 0x00000000)
2003.07.11 15:11:12 ResourceObject [THIS: 0018f3e8]: Synch operation