1. Say i get an e-mail, with attachmnet. double click to open, but it does
not says try one of the exts already being supported---this list coud be ten
or more shoud we try one by one till one works?
2. if there is none, it says to go to the web. if the web also does not work
would it be right to tell the sender that there is something definitely wrong
with his attachment
3. This may not be for outlook--at times nusiance ad pop-ups appear--some
have small close or cross text with which you can close--some don't have
anything and no matter what you do, they keep popping up repeatedly. Can you
assist with this--if not, I can post to a different group
Thank you very much
not says try one of the exts already being supported---this list coud be ten
or more shoud we try one by one till one works?
2. if there is none, it says to go to the web. if the web also does not work
would it be right to tell the sender that there is something definitely wrong
with his attachment
3. This may not be for outlook--at times nusiance ad pop-ups appear--some
have small close or cross text with which you can close--some don't have
anything and no matter what you do, they keep popping up repeatedly. Can you
assist with this--if not, I can post to a different group
Thank you very much