1 to 1 Linked Form Problem



Hi Groupies:

I have a table with all employees (250 records) and another table with a
record of the certifcations they have received, (200 records). The
relationship is 1 to 1 based on the Employee Number. The Employee form has a
button to open the Certification form and the two forms are linked as

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCertification"

stLinkCriteria = "[GIN Number]=" & "'" & Me![GIN Number] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

My problem is that when I open the certification form for an employee that
is not currently in it's underlying data source, an empty recordset appears.
I need access to create a new record in the Certification table and fill in
the correct Employee Number from the Employee table.

Hope this makes sense.


In the underlying code of your button, perfom a check to see if the
Employee exists in your table and then if not insert them. Something

If IsNull(Dlookup("Gin Number", "tblCertifications", "Gin Number = " &
Me.[GIN Number]) Then
'Record Missing, add it
Docmd.RunSQL "Insert Into TblCertifications([GIN Number]) Values(" &
Me.[GIN Number] & ");"
End IF

Open your form

Hope that helps!

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