1-variable Data Table dependent on MS Query fails to update correctly



{cross-posting from excel.programming because I think this is relevant
(maybe even moreso) here too.}

I have an Excel (2000) financial model whose bottom line values are
dependent on results pulled from a simple MS Query (3 of them,
actually, and together they take about 10 seconds +/- to run).

I'm trying to run a simple data table to see how those values vary by
changing a single assumption (that's what data tables are for).

In my data table, I have a single assumption (Fed Funds Rate) that
should affect the results of the query. This assumption itself is not a
parameter in the queries, however another variable calculated in the
model (that changes w/ FFR) is passed as a parameter.

The problem I'm having?

The query results are NOT changed in the various input variable (Fed
Funds Rate) scenarios I'm trying to depict - the results are held
constant and in so doing the data table is flat out wrong.

I've also confirmed 3 "likely suspects" are set up as they should be:
- Enable automatic refresh is activated on spreadsheet open when
- The parameter properties are set to "Refresh automatically when cell
value changes"
- Background refresh is NOT enabled in the query data range properties
(this actually doesn't make a difference checked or not)

Anybody have any guidance? Is it just not possible to use these 2
things (MS Query and data sensitivity tables) together? I suppose I
could cook up a macro to do this as a workaround; good thing I don't
have to do it in volume.

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