100 YES/NO fields



I want to design a table to store data on labtest aquisitions, to
print out labels later. It will be a list with 100 different tests,
every test with its own checkbox which you can select. Is it possible
to store only the "Yes" values and discard the "NO's ?

Duane Hookom

If your table is properly normalized, you could save only the Yes values
(records). Can you change your table structure so that each text score
becomes a record rather than a field?

AquID autonumber primary key
AquDate Date of
AquOtherFields other fields

AqDID autonumber primary key
AquID link to tblAquisitionHeader.AquID
AquTestID what was the test (formerly a field name)
AquResult Yes/No (apparently you don't need to store records with "no"


Thx Duane, that's what i had in mind and i 've tried it, but the
problem was: how do i get all the 100 test visible on a form if each
text score is a record?

Duane Hookom

You could use a continuous form that the user could scroll up and down. If
that doesn't work then you can use an unbound form with 100 check boxes.
Your code can load the values from a record and save the values to a record.

I try to never let a form's desired appearance drive my table structure


Okay...an unbound form....but that means i have to put code behind
every checkbox? Or not.

Duane Hookom

Not really. You use a decent naming convention and possibly set the tag
property of each check box and then have your code loop through the controls
on the form and update your table.


Well, i'm no VBA-wizard but i'll give it a try and check out
formscoding for some pointers. Got some reading to do....I'll get back
to you when i have the code..Many thx :)

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