1024x768 vs. 800x600


John Madron

I apologize that this is the second time that I posted this question, but I
have not recieved any information that I can put to use. My issue is that
under the 1024x768 display my pages look fine. Under 800x600 you need to
scroll left and right to view the entire pages and text that is aligned
under 1024x768 is not aligned under 800x600. I built my website using tables
and pictures that I placed using absolute positioning and all tables are set
in % width. I also tried duplicating my a page using just tables and I
cannot seem to get anywhere near the result that I wanted. It probably has
something to do with my lack of Front Page knowledge. My URL is
http://www.summitmountainhomes.com. . Any help or resources would be very
much appreciated.


Jon Spivey

Hi John,
If you tally up the widths of the four images along the top they come to
around 900 pixels - so you'll always get scrolling at 800*600.

If it was me I'd lose the second mountain image, then you should be able to
get your page to stop scrolling at 800*600. There's a couple of other issues
with the page but let's start by fixing that one

Microsoft MVP - FP

John Madron

Hi Jon,

Thanks for that advice. When I get rid of the second image and preview in
600x800 it looks fine, however when I preview in1024x768 I am left with a
gap on that side of the page previousley occupied by the picture. The other
thing that completely perplexes me is that if you go to featured properties
and then click on a specific property, the photo gallery at the top is
centred on both settings but the text underneath is not centered on 800x600.
Thank you for your help.

Rick Budde


I run my browser (IE) at 1024 and I have to do a
horizontal scroll to view your home page. This is due to
the fact that my Favorites list is displayed. If I lose
the Favorites, your home page covers my browser without
horizontal scrolling required. I haven't observed
evrybody who uses a browser by any strech but I feel that
most people have their Favorites open as they browse the
Internet. I personally design with that in mind.

I also have a dialup connection and your pictures take a
good while to laod. I would suggest you use a graphics
program to reduce the size of the image files so they
will load faster for dialup folks.

If you spend any time on this forum, you will repeatedly
read the advice from the experts to not use absolute
positioning as this is not supported in all browers.

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