1099 Laser forms



I am trying to create an access report to print 1099-misc vendor tax reports
on laserjet forms, to replace the continous forms of the dot matrix printer
we have used up to now.

the form has 2 reports per page

Problem: if I try to create a 1/2 page report, hoping that 2 will print per
page, the problem is that the first form is impacted by the printer top
margin, which access will not let me set to zero. If I subtract the top
margin from the report, then the 2nd report to print on the page is off by
the amount of the margin.

So, I am atempting to create a one page report which will have text boxes in
the correct places for both forms, which I will fill with vba code during the
printing process.
To that effect, I so far have:

in the form which calls the report: (this is the 'proof of concept' code)

DoCmd.OpenReport "r1099laser"

Report_r1099Laser.idA = 1
Report_r1099Laser.idB = 2

Then in the report, I have the code:

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim idx As Long
Dim idy As Long

Public Sub Clear()

idx = 0
Me.name1 = Null
Me.addr1 = Null
Me.citystzip1 = Null
Me.box61 = Null
Me.box71 = Null

idy = 0
Me.name2 = Null
Me.addr2 = Null
Me.citystzip2 = Null
Me.box62 = Null
Me.box72 = Null

End Sub

Property Let idA(ByVal id As Long)

idx = id

End Property

Property Let idB(ByVal id As Long)

idy = id

End Property

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
strSQL = "SELECT TestData.* FROM TestData WHERE (((TestData.id)=" &
CStr(idx) & "));"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)


Me.id1 = rs!tax_id
Me.name1 = rs!Name
Me.addr1 = rs!addr1
Me.citystzip1 = rs!citystzip
Me.box61 = rs!box6
Me.box71 = rs!box7


If idy <> 0 Then

strSQL = "SELECT TestDate4Records.* FROM TestDate4Records WHERE
(((TestDate4Records.id)=" & CStr(idy) & "));"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)


Me.id2 = rs!tax_id
Me.name2 = rs!Name
Me.addr2 = rs!addr1
Me.citystzip2 = rs!citystzip
Me.box62 = rs!box6
Me.box72 = rs!box7


End If


Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Results: I get a message box which says "Now printing r1099laser to the
printer..." etc., but in fact nothing goes to the queue, nothing comes out of
the printer!

Any ideas what I am missing here? Or alternately, how to solve this problem
in some other way?

Thanks in advance for any help.



solution: I used the solution given below by Marshal Barton to the post 'Can
I put in reports...". I cycle the form through the records, populate form
text boxes with the data, then print a report in which the text boxes refer
back to the values on the form. Whew, a roundabout solution but in time for
the tax report deadline!

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