11x17 printing problems


Dale S.

Using an Epson 1280: I reinstalled latest driver, reinstalled Pub2003, set
preferences in driver to 11x17, but when printing starts, Pub changes the
size to 8.5x11. EVERYTHING is set to 11x17, but I can see when printing
starts the status monitor says 8.5x11, and the document is shrunk down to
I know this is not an Epson problem because I can convert the PUB file to
PDF and it prints just fine at 11x17.
I can see others have had this same problem: thread "how to print 11 x 17"
Nov. 10, 2003 --which never seemed to be resolved. I've spent two days on
this and need help fast!
WindXP SP2
Office 2003 latest SP
Pub 2003

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