12.1.1 Edit-and-save custom dictionary confusion

  • Thread starter Norman R. Nager, Ph.D.
  • Start date

Norman R. Nager, Ph.D.

I just followed the Word/Help directions for editing my custom dictionary.
Below my signoff is what I copied from Word/Help on how to edit:

But it's unclear which format to use for converting the custom dictionary
and then exactly how to save.

I tried a couple different options, including in Mac format for converting.
I also tried command-S and save in .dic after deleting some words and after
having it open a text file containing some words I wished to add.

When I logged out and back in, it was either as if I had made no changes in
several attempts to edit or, in my very last attempt, as if the custom
dictionary was unusable. In that case, when I re-directed the preferences
to the custom dictionary, it was grayed out and inaccessible for creating a

Fortunately, I had a recent backup copy of my custom dictionary that I used
to replace the corrupted one.

Is this a problem with 12.1.1 or any version of Office 2008?

Respectfully, Norm

The following is from 12.1.1 Word Help:

"Edit a custom dictionary

"You can edit a custom dictionary only in Word. You can change words that
are in the dictionary, or you can add more words. When you edit a custom
dictionary, however, Word does not automatically begin using it; you must
select it. The revised version of the dictionary is available in all Office

1. If you don't have a new blank document open in Word, open one.

2. On the Word menu, click Preferences.

3. Click Spelling and Grammar.

4. Under Spelling, click Dictionaries.

5. Click the name of the dictionary that you want to edit, and then click
If you see a message that Word stops checking spelling when you edit the
dictionary, click OK.
Note The check box next to the custom dictionary does not need to be
selected to edit the dictionary.

6. In the dictionary file, make any changes that you want, and then on the
File menu, click Save."


Norman, I'm having the same problem, and I also posted a question (w/very specific info of what I did, etc.) re: this issue. I also notified Microsoft.

I'm going uninstall the entire program, reinstall and NOT download the new patch (it was working just fine before).

If that fails, unfortunately I'll have to go over to the Windows side and use Office 2007 which does work.

(don't have iWork, unemployed ... can't afford to buy it either).
Good luck!

I'll post to the forum if the reinstall, etc. works.

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