12 Month Rolling Sum



In Access 2002, is there a way to create a 12 month rolling total for monthly
information. For example:

Month Monthly total 12-month sum
January 2004 5 5
February 2004 10 15
March 2004 15 30
April 2004 20 50
May 2004 5 55
June 2004 10 65
July 2004 15 80
August 2004 20 100
September 2004 0 100
October 2004 5 105
November 2004 10 115
December 2004 15 130
January 2005 20 145
February 2005 0 135

Any assistance on a rolling sum function based upon date would be

Duane Hookom

Is there any way that you can store the Month value as two fields being the
Numeric Month and Numeric Year? Storing a text value like "January 2004" is
not too wise since you would need to convert it to a legitimate date or
number in order to create rolling total.


You could try something using a DSUM

For example
=dsum("MonthlyTotal","MyTable","DateField > " & dateadd("m",-12,[Month]) )

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