15,000 Excel Charts to PPT



I have an Excel VBA application which generates a PDF file with 15,000
pages, mostly charts, from CSV input files. (VBA code is some 3,500
I now need to produce the whole thing also in PPT.

I basically have 2 options:
A. Convert my finished PDF file to PPT.
B. Generate PPT directly from Excel.

I looked online at demo PDF to PPT converters, but I am not satisfied
with file size. The PDF document is 100 mb, and the demo (which is
available for 1 page only) produced a PPT file 14 times larger. That
will make my final PPT about 1.4 gb. Also, just 1 page conversion took
considerable time.
I prefer to generate PPT directly from Excel, using VBA.

Could you share some experience? I have very limited knowledge of PPT
(at this point).

What I do know is:
1. I do not need, nor do I want any linkage.
2. The Excel charts exists only 'on the fly'. All 15,000 pages are
generated from 6 templates which are refreshed by VBA from the CSV
files. At the point in time in the loop when PDF print driver is
employed, I could also insert code to generate PPT.

A bonus question is regarding navigation. PDF has a nice tree structure
bookmarks for easy navigation. Is there anything comparable in PPT? Is
Slide Sorter only 1 for 1?

Thanks a Million

Shyam Pillai

How do you want the charts to be represented on the slides? Should they be
as editable charts, OLE objects or just a picture of the chart. The last
option will lead to the least file size and you would be able to copy the
chart picture from Excel and paste it on to the PowerPoint slide.

If you google for PowerPoint and Excel integration you will find several
examples. You might also want to look at some of the examples posted at
Excel MVP Jon Peltier's site

Shyam Pillai

Handout Wizard


That is a lot of slides! I think that any automation solution is going to be
slow. I am curious what you would do with such a large presentation.

I have a product called PowerPoint Automation Toolkit (PPTATK) which might
satisfy your needs. When generating presentations in the background (not
displayed during generation) it can typically do 2-3 slides per second.
PPTATK would pull the data and generate native PPT charts/slides.

Chris Harrington
Active Interface


Thanks to all responders.

To Shyam
The charts should be just pictures. They must not be editable, so
definitely no linking and embedding.

To Steve
I agree with your approach.
What is the purpose of ungrouping and regrouping? I do not need to do
any editing in PPT. I want the chart to be as is from Excel. Ungrouping
and regrouping did however increase file size by 2.5 times.

To Chris
To satisfy your curiosity, The PDF file is used to display monthly
financial data for a large bank. The PPT file will never be used as a
presentation as is. It should be produced ahead of time, so selected
slides are available to be extracted and used in other presentations. I
know what you think, I also said generate only what you need, but I am
on the payroll...

To all
I am experienced with VBA so I do not see an issue adapting to PPT
object model.
I am still struggling with chart size. I am trying manually to copy the
chart (as picture Edit + shift), and pasting it to a slide. I am
puzzled by the advice in PPTools
(http://www.rdpslides.com/pptfaq/FAQ00068.htm) to fit excel range to
12.84"h by 11.78"w. It is much too large and out of proportion.
When I go in PPT to File/Page Setup, the default slide size is 7.5"h
by 10"w.
My 'chart' is actually 4 charts on one sheet, with titles and other
text in cells, so I copy it all as a range. Row height, column width
and fonts are all optimized for the Distiller print driver of PDF. I
find it very difficult to resize them all, so they will satisfy both
PDF requirement and fit as 100% to PPT slide.

When I draw a rectangle (auto shape) in Excel covering my range, the
size is 12.78"h by 16"w (ratio of 0.8 h/w). When I copy that range
onto a slide, PPT has that picture as 10.07"h by 9.73"w (ratio of
1.03 h/w).
Where this discrepancy comes from, and how should I size it?



What I typicall do in this case is have the superset of slides be described
but not instantiated. And give the user a web interface for selecting the
slides they want - then generate on demand that set of slides. You can see
examples of such on-demand slide generation in the demos on my web site.

Chris Harrington
Active Interface

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