16.36 convert to 16:36 (min:sec)



I imported a column of min:sec data from Crystal reports XI. However when I
open in Excel, Excel has dropped the : and substituted a . Hence as an
example what should be 16:36 (min:sec) shows in Excel as 16.36

How can I convert something like 16.36 to min:sec?

And secondly, how could I convert 16.36 to a true minutes and hundreths of
a minute?

Any help appreciated!


Fred Smith

With your number in a1, you can convert to a time with:


To convert to a number of minutes, use:



Looking a little further ..... with data of 13.0 this formula produced 13:13.

I used this from the previous post =TIME(0,INT(A1),(A1-INT(A1))*100) and
then formated as hh:mm:ss That gives 13:00


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