16 diffetent if functions for 2 criteria



I am using excel to calculate BMI for children. I have 16 different if
functions entered and want to set a criteria for using each function.
Basically I want to use one formula for 5 year old boys, another for 5 yr.
old girls, one for 6 year old boys, and another for 6 year old girls, etc. I
have the formulas in a different sheet. I've tried countifs but I can't seem
to get that to work. Example below:
Name Gender Age Height Weight BMI Category

Jacob Skaria


Instead of 16 different if functions..you can have a table such as below in
Sheet2. and use a VLOOKUP() MATCH() formula to get the desired results

In Sheet1 try the below formula

which will lookup Boy with Age5 and return the corresponding value from the
Sheet2 table. for the above formula it will return x1 or what ever in that

Col A Col B Col C
Age Boy Girl
5 x1 y1
6 x2 y2
7 x3 y3
8 x4 y4
9 x5 y5
10 x6 y6

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Can't get that to work... the result is a formula. Maybe this will better
explain what I need. If Gender Column is "M" and age column is "5" then I
need the result of the formulaA. If Gender Column is "M" and age column is
"6" then I need the result of formulaB, etc.

In sheet 2 I have a table that has the corresponding formula for gender and
age similiar to the one as follows:

Gender Column Age Column Formula
M 5
M 6
M 7
M 8
F 5
F 6
F 7

Jacob Skaria

Post your conditions; there is much better way to do this.

You can have a solution with the current arrangment using VBA..

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Hope this makes sense...

Gender Age Formula
F 5
=IF(I2>27.9,"Overweight**",IF(I2>23,"Overweight*",IF(I2>18.1,"Overweight",IF(I2>16.8,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I2>13.4,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 6
=IF(I3>27.9,"Overweight**",IF(I3>23.4,"Overweight*",IF(I3>18.7,"Overweight",IF(I3>17.1,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I3>13.3,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 7
=IF(I4>28.9,"Overweight**",IF(I4>24,"Overweight*",IF(I4>19.5,"Overweight",IF(I4>17.6,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I4>13.3,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 8
=IF(I5>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I5>25,"Overweight*",IF(I5>20.5,"Overweight",IF(I5>18.3,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I5>13.5,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 9
=IF(I6>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I6>25,"Overweight*",IF(I6>21.7,"Overweight",IF(I6>19.1,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I6>13.7,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 10
=IF(I7>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I7>26,"Overweight*",IF(I7>22.9,"Overweight",IF(I7>19.9,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I7>13.9,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 11
=IF(I8>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I8>27,"Overweight*",IF(I8>23.9,"Overweight",IF(I8>20.8,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I8>14.3,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

F 12
=IF(I9>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I9>27,"Overweight*",IF(I9>25.1,"Overweight",IF(I9>21.7,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I9>14.7,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

[gasp for air :)]

M 5
=IF(I2>27.9,"Overweight**",IF(I2>23,"Overweight*",IF(I2>17.9,"Overweight",IF(I2>16.8,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I2>13.7,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 6
=IF(I3>27.9,"Overweight**",IF(I3>23.4,"Overweight*",IF(I3>18.3,"Overweight",IF(I3>17,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I3>13.7,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 7
=IF(I4>28.9,"Overweight**",IF(I4>24,"Overweight*",IF(I4>19,"Overweight",IF(I4>17.4,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I4>13.7,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 8
=IF(I5>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I5>25,"Overweight*",IF(I5>19.9,"Overweight",IF(I5>17.9,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I5>13.7,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 9
=IF(I6>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I6>25,"Overweight*",IF(I6>21,"Overweight",IF(I6>18.6,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I6>13.9,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 10
=IF(I7>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I7>26,"Overweight*",IF(I7>22,"Overweight",IF(I7>19.3,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I7>14.1,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 11
=IF(I8>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I8>27,"Overweight*",IF(I8>23.1,"Overweight",IF(I8>20.1,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I8>14.5,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

M 12
=IF(I9>29.9,"Overweight**",IF(I9>27,"Overweight*",IF(I9>24.1,"Overweight",IF(I9>21,"At Risk of Overweight",IF(I9>14.9,"Normal Range","Underweight")))))

Whew... I'm not sure if if matters, but column I in the formula is their BMI
which is calulated from a formula. Age is also calculated using a datediff
formula. Thanks for your help!!!!!!!

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