1st of month problem



The code below is to show the last job number in the new
record job number field. I had a lot of trouble with this
and got a lot of help from you all. Kept getting a
runtime erreor. Then suddenly it worked. Now amazingly I
am getting the same runtime error. After looking back at
my original messages I note that it occurred on the 1st of
October - it is now the first of November. Help, please.
Also the number shows when I tab into one of the fields in
that new record. Can I make it show immediately the new
record appears?

Dim LastEntry As Date
Dim LastJob As Long
LastEntry = DMax("[DateEntered]", "tblInstructions")
LastJob = DLookup
("[JobNumber]", "tblInstructions", "[DateEntered]=#" &
LastEntry & "#")
Me.JobNumber = LastJob
End Sub

John Vinson

LastJob = DLookup
("[JobNumber]", "tblInstructions", "[DateEntered]=#" &
LastEntry & "#")

I'm not sure how LastEntry is formatted: try

"[DateEntered] = #" & Format(DateValue([LastEntry]), "mm/dd/yyyy") &


date entered is Now(). Still try what you said??
-----Original Message-----
LastJob = DLookup
("[JobNumber]", "tblInstructions", "[DateEntered]=#" &
LastEntry & "#")

I'm not sure how LastEntry is formatted: try

"[DateEntered] = #" & Format(DateValue ([LastEntry]), "mm/dd/yyyy") &


John Vinson

date entered is Now(). Still try what you said??

Now() returns the current date and time, accurate to microseconds. So
no - if [Date Entered] contains a date and time portion the lookup
won't find it if you use DateValue, because DateValue strips off the
time portion!

I don't see why the code as written should be affected by the first
day of the month at all. I'd suggest setting a Breakpoint in the code
(open the code in the VBA editor and click in the grey bar at the
left), then add a record. The code should stop at the breakpoint and
you'll be able to step through the code, checking to see what each
variable is at each program step.


Try running it as a Query, filtering on either populated
information or prompted info.

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