2 Column Template Troubleshooting

  • Thread starter Kathryn Stolzenbach via OfficeKB.com
  • Start date

Kathryn Stolzenbach via OfficeKB.com

We have designed letterhead and fax form templates with a two column format
-- the left column holding our logo and the right for correspondance. I
have been trying to set the forms so that the second page does not retain
the column formatting, such that text will either flow onto the second page
as if there were no columns set or will spill only into the right column
(rather than into the left by default) as a continuation of the first page
visual format. I have attempted to create a macro template to set
different formatting on the first and subsequent pages, but have not been
able to get them to hold. I have also attempted simply making a very deep
left margin, but this is problematic when attempting to place the logo.
Any help greatly appreciated!

Margaret Aldis

If I understand what you are trying to do correctly, you need to set your
document up without columns and with "different first page". Then place your
left hand logo "column" on the first page header. (Use a text box anchored
to the header, with layout settings that force the first page text to flow
down the side.)



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