My Client is using Every 3x4 Labels for this report. I have no choice for
labels paper format (Lettel with multiple columns - labels), so I have no
choice even for subreport label format. My problem is not "to many records
for labels space". I testet just for 2 records and result is: Access put next
record into the next column(label). Is that the gray area in Microsoft ACCESS
Database? I can solve the problem converting source table into another table
where for each Athlete will be only one record with all sport event fields.
It will take more time and complicate the application. I need from the
Microsoft definite answer: Does Column in the Report support multiple records
or it support only single record?
Thanks in advance
Open the report in design mode.
Place everything you want, where you want it in the space available for a
single label in txt boxes. delete the labels for the txt boxes themselves.
Inside first txt box: =Trim([LastName]) & ", " & Trim([FristName])
Inside second txt box: =Trim([Address])
Inside third txt box: =Trim([City]) & ", " & Trim([City]) & " " & Trim([St])
Inside fourth txt box: =and something else
Inside fifth txt box: =and something else
there is a lot of space on a 3*4 label.
Labels will print accross then down