2 existing spreadsheets show 1st line rather than header row to sort ...




This is odd, I haven't seen this ever before. I was working on
spreadsheets yesterday for a mail merge. Two had headers rows. I
cleaned up both documents, put print area and then tried to sort. In
both cases, what came up in the sort was the first row below the
header where one always sees the actual titles of the header row when
one selects the Header Row radio button under "My List Has" in the
"Sort" box.

I fiddled and fiddled a bit and managed to get one of the workbooks to
display the sort properly by the header row titles - without figuring
out what fixed I did that fixed it <g>. But the other never did and
had to sort as is. What seemed to happen is that all but that row got
properly sorted and I had to move that row to its correct position in
alphanumerical order.

Was wondering, though, what caused this. It's not anything I ever ran
into at all in XL2K. But I've noticed that things have to spelled out
a bit more in XL2003 sometimes so it'll be good to know whhat I have
to do now.

Thanks! :eek:D



With the range selected choose Data, Sort, Options, and make sure
Orientation is set to Sort top to bottom.

If this helps, click the Yes button.



With the range selected choose Data, Sort, Options, and make sure
Orientation is set to Sort top to bottom.

If this helps, click the Yes button.

Thanks! I couldn't remember how I'd done it once before when I had
this problem. I'm new to 2003/2007 and this never happened in 2000
since I never had to select other than certain cells in the header row
that I needed, which is what is causing this problem, I now know.
Even doing it that way, XL2K leaves blanks and non blanks option in.
Not so in 2003/2007.

I don't know what I'll do when I have to filter out a row somewhere
below the main/first row of the header one. I'll have to cross that
bridge when I get to it, I guess. Hopefully there's something new
there that I don't yet know about that will allow me to fine-tune
where those filters go without missing out on blanks-non blanks

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