2 graphs on 1 single chart cheet


Eric Desart

Hi all,

I searched the archives, but am searching no good I think.

Is it possible to enter 2 independent graphs on 1 chart sheet?
I'm not referring to overlay charts.
I thought to remember I read about it, but can't find it back.

I like to have 2 graphs on top of one another in the same chart sheet.
Is there a manner to accomplish this or is this just wishfull thinking?

I know I can embed them in a standard worksheet, but the file is existing

Many thanks in advance.
If not possible, that's an as valid reply as well.



John Mansfield


Yes - you can include multiple charts on a single chart sheet. When you go
through the Chart Wizard, you can use the Chart Location command to move
embedded charts to a chart sheet. Also, the second drop-down option in the
Chart Location step of the Chart Wizard includes an option to load the new
chart into a chart sheet.

To tile the charts correctly within the chart sheet, you might need to
create the chart sheet and then delete the original chart from within that
sheet. Then, load the charts that you need into the chart sheet via the
Chart Wizard.

Eric Desart


Many thanks,
I try tomorrow, hope it works (better that I can get it to work :):)).

Kind regards

Eric Desart

:) Many thanks John, Jon, and link to John

I got it working, nice graph as a result (works as animation for soundwaves,
still improving)
This indeed gives me an additional option for future things to.

A grateful Dutch guy.


PS: has anybody always trouble with a flikkering screen when animating
The whole screen is always redrawn.
I always had that with Excel. Is there a way around that?
Can it depend also on the graphical chart?


Jon Peltier

Eric -

After my post, I saw that John had the example right on his web site.

Many years ago, I built my first animated chart, and it flickered like the devil. I
avoided them for a long time, then within the past year I started making a few. No
flickers, at least not as bad as I remember. I guess Windows and Excel (and the
underlying hardware) have improved since my earlier attempts.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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