2 issues, Menu Bar Missing, Full Screen Queries and Forms



I am working a database in access 2003.

Issue 1: The main menu bar is missing on most screens and when I go to the
tools, menu bar is not on the list.

Issue 2: When I open the database, the swichboard is full screen. When I
run a query, report or form, it is full screen. How do I change to


Jeanette Cunningham

Hi John,
here is some code to turn on the menu and tool bar-->

Public Function MenusOn()
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Form View", acToolbar 'where appropriate
CommandBars("Menu Bar").Enabled = True
End Function

Open the immediate window and type
and hit Enter
This should turn on the menu and toolbar.

Open the switchboard in design view and set its maximize and minimize
buttons to not show.
In Access if one screen is maximized to full screen, every screen after that
opens to full screen.

If you want to prevent a screen being maximized-->
Private Sub Form_Activete()
End Sub

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

Sea Cho

Dear Jeanette Cunningham,

I have the same problem like John. My Access build-in menu bard went
missing. I read your message below, but dont know where to start. I don't see
it in the customized window. The menu bar somehow got lost.

It would be great if you can tell me step by step to get back my menu bar. I
try to uninstall the Office 2003 and reinstall it, but still the menu bar
doesnt come back.

I greatly appreciate your help.

Thanks alot,

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