2 Pg Header Table



I am using Word 2003

I created a 2 page Header Form for our procedures. The headers are tables.
I used the instructions that required me to create the 2nd page header
first, then the first page header. This works wonderfully. But I would like
to add one more thing for convenience.

Both page headers include cells with the Title, latest Revision (A, B or C
etc) and the revision date. I would like to create a formula on the 2nd Page
Header that would copy whatever was put into these cells on Page 1 Header -
automatically on to page 2 header. Is this possible??? If so, can you help
me or point me in the right direction?


Charles Kenyon

Rather than use a formula, use a StyleRef field. See
Charles Kenyon

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Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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