2 Query questions (Use AfterUpdate and Pick a Field to return results)

  • Thread starter cyberpyxi via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

cyberpyxi via AccessMonster.com

Good morning, guru o' access.
I am dealing with two issues I hope you may be able to clarify for me.
My tables which pertain are Products, Techs, and Jobs.
The main form/table is the Jobs one. A quick run down of this form is that a
call number is entered, and auto fills the location of that job (however, if
there is not a job already placed in the CustomerTable with that Primary key,
it blanks out and I have to open the other table to insert, working on that).
After the call number is entered, we move on to the ComboBox FirstName (tech).
When that is selected, the form brings in the hours worked this week from the
Techs table. I then put in how many hours were worked at that call, and the
UpdatedHoursThisWeek adds the two and gives a grand total of hours this week.
Here's the first issue. I have created a SQL statement that, with a button
push on the form, will update the Tech table to the updated hours per week.
What I would like to happen is that when I save, the Tech table is
automatically updated to the new total AND only that record(, without having
to press the TechUpdate button). Otherwise, it brings in all the tech hours
and updates them based on the most current record in my Jobs table. The
problem with that is that each week I manually have to go in and set them all
to 0 hours this week. If I could only update that one record, it would be
much easier than having to go back and forth to make sure that other techs
weren't affected.
Okay, so we move on past the tech info to the chemicals used at each call.
Since there are never more than 5 chemicals used at a job, there are 5
cboChem boxes numbered from 1-5, of course. Under each one is a ChemQty for
the amount of chem used. After this field is populated manually, it
calculates the total cost of chemical usage based on the Products table.
This is where the second issue is. I need this section to update the Products
table to be UnitsInStock (which is in the Products table) minus whatever was
used at that job. I can do something similar to the Tech's hours above, but
as I mentioned, there are 5 chemicals that can be entered. I need the query
(or whatever I will use) to look at all 5 for updates to the Products field.

Any assistance with this would be dandy! Thanks for reading.

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