2 questions about check boxes


Tom S.

I've added a checkbox to a spreadsheet, using the Form
toolbar. Two questions:
1) I'd like to make it bigger (the box and the font of
the accompanying text). But when I try to resize it, by
right clicking and dragging the corner of the box, or
byright clicking, selecting format control and resizing,
these sizes don't change. Only the insert box changes.
How do I change the font and box size?
2) Then, I want to use the Template Wizard so that this
spreadsheet will get turned into a template, and the data
from the template added to a data base. How can I get
the contents of the checkbox (which is either a check or
a blank) to the data base? I know how to tell it to get
the contents of a cell to the data base, but the checkbox
seems to be a graphic object, so the check mark is not in
the cell.

Dave Peterson

I don't think you can change the size of the font with the checkbox from the
Forms toolbar. But you can with the checkbox from the controltoolbox toolbar.

And each of these checkboxes have a linked cell property. With the forms
toolbar version, you can right click on it and select format control. From the
Control tab, choose a nice (unique) linked cell.

With the controltoolboxtoolbar version, show that toolbar, go into design mode
(an icon on that toolbar) and then rightclick, properties. Look for the
Linkedcell property and type in a nice (unique) address.

Then use the linked cell as the source used to update your database.

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