#2: VBA to Pick Range and letter



Thanks for your help yesterday; today, it seems to complicate way past
my VBA abilities.

We now have 7 letters (1A-7G). What they'd like to do is:

1. Auto-filter a column in Excel to the rows that would get a specific
letter. (done)
2. Click a commandbutton that would:
3. Open the Word merge document that pertains to the letter filtered
in the spreadsheet.

Somehow this seems like it should be easy, but then it is hard in
chunks. I've got it through to the filtering, and all of the letters
are built and associated, and I'm pretty sure I can code the merge
letters to run the merge as soon as the document loads (via VBA). But,

How do I tell the macro in Excel to pick just the filtered range? And,
How do I tell it in the code which merge document to open?

I could probably just use the Case member to select the letter based on
the criteria in the Excel column that contains the name of the letter,
but I'm stumped before I even get this far.....

Thanks a ton -- I learn so much in here every day, but as George
Harrison said, "the more I learn the less I know..."


Duke Carey

In your shoes I'd give some serious thought to using Word as the VBA platform
while treating the Excel file as a database. The next step would be to use
ADO to query the Excel data, based on the desired letter, and return just
that data to Word.



I had thought of that, but the process the data entry people ar eusing
is to put everything in the Excel spreadsheet first; I was then hoping
they wouldn't have to think about opening the Word docs at all, but
instead just trigger them from Excel.

Unless I'm missing an easier point you're making; I'm pretty new at
integrating the two applications....


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