2 Y Axes: Lines and a Stacked Column




I'm using Excel 2003 SP3 and having trouble with the following...

Sample data:

X Axis Y Axis1 Y Axis1 Y Axis2 Y Axis2 Y Axis2
Date DataA DataB DataC DataD DataE
1/31/09 4.3 3.6 10% 40% 50%
2/28/09 2.9 1.9 30% 60% 10%
3/31/09 1.2 6.4 15% 10% 75%

I need Y Axis1 to be two simple lines and Y Axis2 a stacked column that sums
to 100%. Can't figure this out. Please advise...



Jon Peltier

First, clear the cell above the dates, so the top left cell is blank.

Since more than half of the Y data will be stacked 100% columns, make a
chart of this type using your data.

Right click on series 1 (Data A), choose Chart Type, and select a line.
Repeat with series 2 (Data B).

Right click on series 3, choose Format Series, in Excel 2003 or earlier
choose Secondary on the Axes tab, in Excel 2007 it's on the main tab. Repeat
for series 4 and 5.

- Jon

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