JB said:
the project which I want to plan runs for 20 days.
the start of a task isn't on mo. 26.05.08 but on day 3 of the 20 days period.
currently I can't just put 3 in the start column.
the system converts my input automatically into a calender day (e.g
I don't want define a specific calender day as the start of the project, I
just want to work with 20 days.
Maybe you don't want a specific calendar day as the start but that's the
way Project works.
Your situation is not all that unique when developing a project plan.
Most of the time, the user has at least some idea of when the plan will
start but sometimes it is a true unknown. For example, maybe you're
planning a project and you know all the details but you do not yet know
when the contract will be let that establishes an actual start. Assume
some start date - use your best guess. Then lay in the tasks with
estimated estimated durations and links between tasks. Project will
calculate an initial schedule. When you are ready to actually start, you
will in fact have a hard start date. You can then use the Adjust Dates
utility found on the Analysis toolbar to re-align your plan with the
real world.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP