Microsoft Business Solutions Newsgroups
I'm getting an error trying to run a simple Project add-in that we had
working with our previous software version and Office 2002. Now in our new
version (but no changes to this part of the app) and trying to use Project
2003, I get an error.
Using c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\Office11\MSPRJ.OLB
When I use project's MSProject object's FileSaveAs I get a SQL 208 error
from this statement:
declare @P1 int
set @P1=2
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, NULL, N'select Name from Project where Name =
select @P1
The previous version of Office generated a different statement, that worked:
declare @P1 int
set @P1=-1
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, NULL, N'select distinct(PROJ_ID) from
MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_NAME = ''DBCTest101'' '
select @P1
Is there something I've done wrong or need to update? The table "Project"
does not exist in my project database, but I don't know how it's obtaining
that table name.
The call to FileSaveAs has the following parameters in my VB 6 application:
"<" & oAddinRegistry.GetProjectDSN & sODBCParms & " >\" &
, , ,
, , , ,gsID
,gsPWD ,"MSProject.ODBC"
working with our previous software version and Office 2002. Now in our new
version (but no changes to this part of the app) and trying to use Project
2003, I get an error.
Using c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\Office11\MSPRJ.OLB
When I use project's MSProject object's FileSaveAs I get a SQL 208 error
from this statement:
declare @P1 int
set @P1=2
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, NULL, N'select Name from Project where Name =
select @P1
The previous version of Office generated a different statement, that worked:
declare @P1 int
set @P1=-1
exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, NULL, N'select distinct(PROJ_ID) from
MSP_PROJECTS where PROJ_NAME = ''DBCTest101'' '
select @P1
Is there something I've done wrong or need to update? The table "Project"
does not exist in my project database, but I don't know how it's obtaining
that table name.
The call to FileSaveAs has the following parameters in my VB 6 application:
"<" & oAddinRegistry.GetProjectDSN & sODBCParms & " >\" &
, , ,
, , , ,gsID
,gsPWD ,"MSProject.ODBC"