2003 Mail merge



We launch MS Word open a Mail merge template then run a macro

This all works fine when using Word XP but when using Word 2003 I get the following message

" Opening document will run the following SQL command - SELECT * FROM C:\WPDOCS\CLTLTR.DOC -
Dat afrom your database will be places in the document. Do you want to continue?

Pressing YES then opens the document and runs the macro.

How can I stop this dialogue box poping up

Thanks for any hel

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the Knowledge Base article "Opening This Will Run the Following SQL
Command" Message When You Open a
Word Document - 825765 at:


Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks that has solved the problem, but why does MS have to make things harder for poor developers????

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?R3JhaGFt?=,
why does MS have to make things harder for poor developers????
That's pretty much how I reacted, too, during beta when this
popped up in the RTM. The answer is: Security concerns. It would
never occur to us honest folks that someone might send around a
document with an SQL connection that could do nasty things.
(Personally, I consider it a bit far-fetched, but apparently big
corporations see it differently.)

At this point, I'm just grateful they give us Registry keys that
can turn this stuff off! If not, we could throw Word in the trash
basket, for all the good the "cool" stuff like linking in tables,
etc. would do us.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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