I have a query where I am concatenating 4 fields together.
I use this concatenated field for the row values in the
Access Pivot Table. I need a way to word wrap this field
in the pivot table. I have tried this in the query:
NAME:[field1]&chr$(13)&chr$(10)&" "&[field2]&chr$(13)
&chr$(10)&" "&[field3]&chr$(13)&chr$(10)&" "&[field4]
this works fine in the query or a regular form but does
nothing in a Pivot Table row field.
Any ideas on how or if this row field can be word wrapped
in a Pivot Table???
There is nothing in the properties of the row field.
thanks for your help
I use this concatenated field for the row values in the
Access Pivot Table. I need a way to word wrap this field
in the pivot table. I have tried this in the query:
NAME:[field1]&chr$(13)&chr$(10)&" "&[field2]&chr$(13)
&chr$(10)&" "&[field3]&chr$(13)&chr$(10)&" "&[field4]
this works fine in the query or a regular form but does
nothing in a Pivot Table row field.
Any ideas on how or if this row field can be word wrapped
in a Pivot Table???
There is nothing in the properties of the row field.
thanks for your help