2003 Professional with 2002 Server?



I've been running 2002 MS Project Professional and Project Server.

If I upgraded to 2003 desktop, I know there is a patch we could install
to run with 2002 server. Is that patch at the desktop level or on the

Then, what happens with compatability with the project plans? Can
project plans produced by a 2003 desktop co-exist in the same 2002
Server with project plans produced by a 2002 desktop?

What if I did it the other way?--Upgrade to 2003 Server and keep 2002
desktop?--Would that work?

Any documentation, insight or advice on this would be very helpful.


Chris Marriott


I will start with Project Professional 2002 working with Project Server 2003

First .. be sure it is Project Professional and not standard as Project
Server 2003 unlike 2002 does not allow connectivity to Project Standard of
any version.

There is a global permission that allows connectivity to Project Server 2003
with Project Professional 2002 ....

This configuration will not provide any notable benefits to you as the
server dumbs down to the services you would get from Project Server 2002 ...
but it is at least possible.

Project Server 2002 Service Packs ....

Service packs are for available for all components of Project Server, the
SQL databsase, the Project Server Application and Project Professional.


This is the knowledge base to learn more about the process.

My own advice is Backup everything first - twice.


Chris Marriott
UK - EPM Consultant & Trainer


How about any issues with projects in the 2003 Server that are produced
in Project Pro 2002 vs. Project Pro 2003? Can they co-exist with no

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