2003 Trial Version?



Is the 2003 Trial Version still available? My company has only 1 license at
the moment, but are getting more. In the meantime, I would like to install
the trial version so I can start to play with it. (we are purchasing the 2003
edition to intergrate it flawlessly with out servres, software and hardware.)


John Waller

(we are purchasing the 2003
edition to intergrate it flawlessly with out servres, software and

The 2003 version is a dinosaur.

Why would it assist with integration more than the current 2007 version?


I am just saying what our IT manager told me...... I guess it works with
business portal better? I don't know...don't shoot the messenger.

Is there a trial version available for the 2003 version?

John Waller

I am just saying what our IT manager told me...... I guess it works with
business portal better? I don't know...don't shoot the messenger.

Didn't know you were the messenger so I'll refrain from shooting any further
I'm not sure why your IT manager thinks 2003 is better for your setup
Is there a trial version available for the 2003 version?

Not that I'm aware of. Only 2007. But 2007 should work OK for you.


Hi John-

You got me thinking now!
Is there no reason 2007 would interfere with our business portal module, or
any of our servers when implementing 2007? Is there anything negative that
can happen (e.g. OneNote not being able to work properly with this or that?)
that you can think of?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

My concern with mixing the versions would be that when you open a notebook
created by 2003 in 2007, then 2007 will want to convert the format to 2007.
And once you do that you can't open it in 2003 anymore.

I have no idea why your IT people would be installing 2003 at this point,

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower

John Waller

Is there no reason 2007 would interfere with our business portal module,
any of our servers when implementing 2007? Is there anything negative that
can happen (e.g. OneNote not being able to work properly with this or
that you can think of?

Well we don't know anything about your business portal module or servers.

But as Ben points out, don't try using 2003 and 2007 together.

2003 cannot read 2007 files. 2007 permanently converts 2003 files to 2007

Other than that, 2007 should work fine.

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