Ahhh! showing your PC bias huh!
Actually this group is not alone in preferring top posting.
all of the "Mac" oriented Netscape and Mozilla newsgroups both on secnews netscape
server, and the Mozilla.net server Top post.
The champions of the groups find its more efficient to read an answer to the last
thread in a post. so if the last thread is on the top then they can save that extra
two minutes scrolling to the bottom to only find "me too" or "it didn't work".
As for snipping. There are some groups on the Mozilla server that have to do with
RFE's (Referal for enhancement) request and for Technical help, that bottom post,
forbid any snipping at all and you will be roasted on a spit for doing so.
Others newsgroups want snipping only if it doesn';t hurt thr flow of the thought.
We have a saying that applies "When in Rome do as the Romans do."
I read so many groups, that I get out chewed out at least once a day for posting in
the wrong style. I even read some groups that ban interpersed text.
JE said:
<jihad>Well, *some* people appreciate the OE-induced abomination known
as "top posting". Others, especially those of us that have been reading
news for 20 years now, prefer bottom posting after ruthless snipping,
with an occasional response "in-line" between quoted sections.
I will top-post in the Win-oriented groups because the heathen demand
it. I refuse to in the Mac groups.
However, I am in complete agreement with John that bottom posting
without snipping is worse than top-posting. If one can't be bothered to
value my time by making the start of the reply visible in the first
screen, I can't be bothered to read it.</jihad>
One reason I prefer bottom posting is that, unlike John, who tends to
read these groups in a block, starting with the original message and
blasting through replies, keeping the subject in context, I tend to read
them throughout the day. The ones that I don't know how to answer I mark
"read" and wait for someone more knowledgeable to come along.
Since I try to read almost all of John's posts, however, in a so-far
unsuccessful attempt to get my Word knowledge above middling, that means
I have to scroll to the bottom of all his top-posts in order to
reestablish the context before I can scroll back to the top to
understand the reply.
Phillip M. Jones, CET |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112-1809 |
[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet
If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!
[email protected]