2007 beta download problems



I have registered for the beta download, and get as far as the screen with
the install key and the download link. I also get the confirmation e-mail.

However when I click on the product name to download it, I get an HTTP 404

Any ideas?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Pete,

Are you using the direct download links for the product from 'Get the Beta' on
http://microsoft.com/office/preview ?

Have you cleared your Temporary Internet Files and temp files folder before going to the site?

Have you tried a country choice other than US?

Been trying for 3 days now, at various times of night and day! >>


Hi Bob,

Yes, I have been following the link from the preview page.

I hadn't cleared the temp files, but I have done that now, no difference.

I wasn't downloading from the US anyway, I am in the UK, but I have tried
several different countries (and languages) and I still get the same 'file
not found' error.

J Vallance

I get something very similar: 'File not found'. Tried with 3 different email
addresses now, too.


Was having the same problem here, untill I statted typeing this message. I
switched tabs to check the error I was getting, to see if it was the same and
bam I got the save location window when I clicked on the d/l, and now its
downloading as I type this. This leads me to belive its a traffice
problem... i.e. they only have some many slots for d/l of each product, this
could give you the same type of error. Alos when I d/l Viso and Project I was
geting about twice the d/l speed that I am getting with the Office Pro d/l.

just my 2 cents

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