2007 Beta-Headache from menu fonts with blurry AntiAliasing


Mike in Paradise

I am old enough that I just cannot do these fonts. Looks like linux screens
now with the blurry fonts with anti aliasing.

I turned off clear type but it makes little difference. I just cannot get
the words to display clearly.

Is there some place where we can specifcy the font that are used in the
user interface with office and turn off the blurry type and pastel coloring
so those of use that have eyes that have some mileage on them can see the


Hey Mike,

Click on the File icon (the round one in the upper left corner with the
office logo on it) and click Word Options (button along the lower edge). In
the new window that comes up, go to the Personalize section and uncheck the
"Always use ClearType" option -- you might need or want to do the same in
Control Panel if you use ClearType there (not everyone has it).

Hope that helps...

Mike in Paradise

Thanks Seth...As stated in my post I already did that and that it makes very
little difference. Oh to be a young programmer and have good eyes again!


Sorry -- I wasn't sure if you had de-selected ClearType in the CP or in
Office (evidently the CP version won't effect Office, as I found out
earlier). It bothers my eyes, too, and I'm not TOO old. I feel like I'm not
focusing on what I'm seeing too well, and my eyes keep trying to adjust.
They get fatigued fast.

Hope we find a solution!


"Mike in Paradise"

Have you tried the Vista grey look option, it seems better on my eyes. Its
in the word options menu (nested in the file command). Hated the pale blue

Little white ball

I hate the cleartype too and the Vista grey only changes the background
color. The characters are still the same and fuzzy. Is there a way that you
can turn off cleartype properly so it looks like the old office? Personally I
think this cleartype idea is clearly killing the new office which will
otherwise be a great application.


I have the same problem, the blurry font appears in all office application. I
tested it by using Windows Magnifier (in accessories, accessibility) at 4x
zoom. If you look at the text in Office 2007 and the text in taskbar for
example, they look very different: the office one has more grey pixels
surround text curve which makes it unclear.

Have not found any solution to this yet, but hope that the final version
will be back to normal font


I know this seems pretty basic but have you tried going into C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
and deleting SEGOEUII,SEGOEUI,SEGOEUIB and SEGOEUIZ. I did this and my text
reverts back to original office defaults eg no more blurry text.
Hope that helps.


I tried to remove the fonts you mentioned but I think it did not change
anything. Does you have to restart computer for the change to take effect. I
am just a bit lazy restarting my computer right now (downloading keynote :D)


Deleting the fonts worked for me

Thanks tussock

gaindev said:
I tried to remove the fonts you mentioned but I think it did not change
anything. Does you have to restart computer for the change to take effect. I
am just a bit lazy restarting my computer right now (downloading keynote :D)


thanks works for me now

tussock said:
I know this seems pretty basic but have you tried going into C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
and deleting SEGOEUII,SEGOEUI,SEGOEUIB and SEGOEUIZ. I did this and my text
reverts back to original office defaults eg no more blurry text.
Hope that helps.

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