2007 Create Style Set



Hi, I am having difficulty figuring out how to create a new style set in
2007. I have migrated multiple styles from 2003 to 2007 and I believe what I
need to do is create a custom style set to use them in the style gallery. I
can't seem to find enough instructions to get started. Do I need to create a
special template first? They are currently in normal.dot and normal.dotm. I
also wanted to have them display in the Style Pane (or dialog box) without
having any other styles show up. I also don't want to see any minor style
changes show up (e.g., if I apply italics to one word in one paragraph it
shows up as a new style). I'm a bit frustrated with this new feature. Thank

Pamelia Caswell via OfficeKB.com

Create a style set by adding styles to the quick styles gallery and then
saving them as a style set. If you only want certain styles to appear in the
style set, you should first delete all the styles in the quick styles gallery.
You can control the order of the styles in the gallery via Manage styles >
Recommend. Styles will display in numerical order and when the assigned
value is the same, in alphabetical order.

To restrict what shows in the styles pane, use the recommend tab to hide the
styles that you don't want to see. Note that if you have "styles to show"
set to "in current document" or "in use", the styles gallery items won't show
in the styles pane until they are used.

To avoid seeing styles+formatting in the styles pane, clear the check boxes
after "select formatting to show as styles" in the styles pane options dialog.


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