2007 - Data Analysis - how to create FTE calculation



Hi -

I am trying to automate some reports so that we can better use the data that
we are collecting for management.

FTE (Full Time Equivalent) is something that we tend to plan for overal
project sizes.

I've got a view that has projects with resources timephased. I want to
calculate FTE. I tried 2 things - but neither seem to give me what I want.

Any suggestions??

.. Made the calculation to be ' work / capacity' - to get the FTE equivalent
- but this didn't quite give the behavior I wanted. Unassigned resource has 0
- which then creates a 'null' value and the subtotals didn't roll up.

2. Made the calculation to be 'work / 160' == this works great when you
expand to the month view -- but totals, by Qtr/Year don't work.

Ben Howard

Hi Donna,
Project Server doesn't have a grasp of FTE, instead it woulds in units of
hours in the views you are looking at. The problem with trying to do the FTE
calc is that it is relative to the time frame that you are viewing, so and
FTE for a week is 40 hours, for a month is 160, and for a year approx 2000
hours. Project Sever has no reference to this time frame within a PWA view
and consequently you have a problem.

The only way around this, would be to show all projects within a
standardardised timeframe, eg month, qtr, and then divide by the relevant
hours to get the FTE, and remove any interectivity from the views. This is
the only way you'll be able to display the FTE requirement.

Tom B

Here is what I use...always reporting by month timeframe...

for the MSP_Portfolio_Analyzer cube...I have assumed 160 hours per
month...which actually works for the next 3 months for our organization.

FTE Capacity is defined as...
[Measures].[Capacity] / 160.0

FTE Required is defined as...
[Measures].[Work] / 160.0

any grand totals over the timeperiods of months actually is a total of FTE
months required or available. As long as I teach my users to always display
by month...the views work pretty good, not perfect, but pretty good. If
there was a lookup table for each month, where the 160 could be changed to
reflect the correct hours per month, then FTEs would be perfect.

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