2007 Excel Issues


Jenny B.

Good Afternoon,

I'm running into a problems with Excel 2007 at my workplace vs. my Excel
2007 home addition. I have a program written in Excel 2003 (has to stay that
way for other users) that I'm running from Excel 2007. The program (see
below) writes and copies all data to another workbook. When I'm testing the
program at my workplace, it does not copy over any of the shapes or text
fields just the cell content. In Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 at my home, this
data copied over automatically (no special or additional programming needed).

I posed this question before and Barb Reinhardt was kind enough to provide
me with a way to accommodate both 2007 and 2003. I'd go ahead and update the
program, but I don't want to write extra code just to accommodate what
appears to be a quirk if it's not necessary. Is there an add-in Tool Pak
that needs to be updated or something else I'm not thinking of? Has anyone
else run into this before?

If it turns out that no one else has seen this same problem, Is there a
quick way to capture all the text and fields so they paste over like the
Active Sheet data? Traditionally, ActiveSheet.Copy would bundle everything
into the new worksheet and I’m wondering if there's an equivalent to capture
both the shape and text fields.

Thanks in advance and I appreciate anything that would keep me of writing
tons of new code that might not be necessary -

Jenny B.

Sub Finalstop()

Dim myPath As String
Dim nRng As Range
Dim fName As String
Set nRng = Range("F64")


myPath = "I:\Document Management\Print management\Operations\B55
Docs\B55 Testing Checklist\"
fName = nRng.Value & ".xls"

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
myPath & fName, FileFormat:= _
xlNormal, Password:="", _
WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
ActiveSheet.Visible = False

End Sub

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