I posted that problem already once, but did not find much help. I corrected
some configuration issues that may have had some influence, but that did not
help either. I'll try to state it clearer now, maybe some of you Dear Readers
will give me some idea of what I am doing wrong.
** Role configuration: **
I have a couple of teams in OPS. The leaders of teams act as project
managers (create projects, assign tasks) but also verify the timesheets of
their team members. We do not want anyone additional people to approve
timesheets (so no next approvers are required nor wanted, team leader
approval should be final).
To achieve that we configured the system so that:
Team leaders belong to Project Managers Team Leads, Resource managers and
Team Members Security groups.
Their "Timesheet manager" and "Default Assignment Owner" attributes point to
Team members belong to Team Members security groups only.
Their "Timesheet manager" attribute points to their appropriate team leader
(defined above) and "Default Assignment Owner" points to themselves.
Seems pretty stratghtforward, doesn't it?
** Problem statement: **
When in the end of the week team leader receives his team member weekly
timesheeet for approval, he/she wants jut to approve it by clicking the
"approve" button. It is important to mention, that the system automatically
fills in a "Set next approver" field with his/her own name (which as I
believe is the way the system says "no more approavls needed", as this field
does not accept empty values).
Unfortunately, pressing "Approve" generates an error of "Timesheet owner or
previous approvers cannot be approver" !!!
The only way around that problem we found is to type into "Set next
approver" field some different person with appropriate credentials (not
related to the given project). Then that second person is able to approve the
timesheet permanently. Unfortunately it is a tedious soution, as the team
leader need to walk around and beg his random collegues for approval, just
because we cannot force the tool to do what we want...
I just do not understand that effect. My team leaders have their "Timesheet
manager" fields pointing to themselves, so the system should auto-accept
whatever they approve...
Or am I missing something?
I guess I do something wrong, but I feel confused and I do not know where to
look for where the problem may be.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
I posted that problem already once, but did not find much help. I corrected
some configuration issues that may have had some influence, but that did not
help either. I'll try to state it clearer now, maybe some of you Dear Readers
will give me some idea of what I am doing wrong.
** Role configuration: **
I have a couple of teams in OPS. The leaders of teams act as project
managers (create projects, assign tasks) but also verify the timesheets of
their team members. We do not want anyone additional people to approve
timesheets (so no next approvers are required nor wanted, team leader
approval should be final).
To achieve that we configured the system so that:
Team leaders belong to Project Managers Team Leads, Resource managers and
Team Members Security groups.
Their "Timesheet manager" and "Default Assignment Owner" attributes point to
Team members belong to Team Members security groups only.
Their "Timesheet manager" attribute points to their appropriate team leader
(defined above) and "Default Assignment Owner" points to themselves.
Seems pretty stratghtforward, doesn't it?
** Problem statement: **
When in the end of the week team leader receives his team member weekly
timesheeet for approval, he/she wants jut to approve it by clicking the
"approve" button. It is important to mention, that the system automatically
fills in a "Set next approver" field with his/her own name (which as I
believe is the way the system says "no more approavls needed", as this field
does not accept empty values).
Unfortunately, pressing "Approve" generates an error of "Timesheet owner or
previous approvers cannot be approver" !!!
The only way around that problem we found is to type into "Set next
approver" field some different person with appropriate credentials (not
related to the given project). Then that second person is able to approve the
timesheet permanently. Unfortunately it is a tedious soution, as the team
leader need to walk around and beg his random collegues for approval, just
because we cannot force the tool to do what we want...
I just do not understand that effect. My team leaders have their "Timesheet
manager" fields pointing to themselves, so the system should auto-accept
whatever they approve...
Or am I missing something?
I guess I do something wrong, but I feel confused and I do not know where to
look for where the problem may be.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,