2007 NCAA Tournament Question / Suggestion



Thanks for fixing the teams from Ohio State and down.

When you go down to the 2nd round, sweet 16, elite 8.... you can no fill in
the teams, it says -- undecided --. Why wouldn't it go to the previous round
and draw from the two teams that the user selected in the previous round?

EX: First round user 1 picks Florida over Jackson State / Arizona over
Purdue. Then in the second round it would draw the teams selected in the
first round as the two possible teams that player on can pick.

I don't know if it is as simple as that or not, but that would make scoring
for office pools much easier!!!

I hope I was descriptive enough!


I agree. Now it looks like each successive round can't be input until the
prior round has been played, & then the only choices will be the winners from
the prior round. So for those pools where every pick is made b/4 the start
of the tournament, you won't be able to input a team that lost in the prior

Any solution?

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