2007 Picture Border Color Will Not Stick


Carol Helene

Adding a color border to a picture saves as black in 2007, yet works in 2003.
What gives?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Carol,

What are the steps you're using? I'm assuming you're creating the border in Word 2007, is that correct?

Adding a color border to a picture saves as black in 2007, yet works in 2003.
What gives? <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Carol Helene

I'm saving the file in Compatibility mode, and get a pop-up about errors
then. The border color does still appear, until I re-open the file. Border
is black.

Process before that is to R-click picture>Borders and Shading>Borders
tab>select color & weight.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Tony Jollans

There is clearly a bug of some sort there. Exactly what it is and whether
there is a workaround I'm not sure. I will investigate further and try to
pin it down a bit.

Tony Jollans

As far as I can tell, the significant factors are (a) working on an in-line
picture, (b) using the old borders and shading dialogue, and (c) applying a
new theme colour.

I have escalated this but, to be honest, I wouldn't expect a fix to a
problem relating to an old dialogue and an old format, so don't hold your

Carol Helene

Thanks, Tony.

Tony Jollans said:
As far as I can tell, the significant factors are (a) working on an in-line
picture, (b) using the old borders and shading dialogue, and (c) applying a
new theme colour.

I have escalated this but, to be honest, I wouldn't expect a fix to a
problem relating to an old dialogue and an old format, so don't hold your

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