2007 re-install after adding new motherboard



I want to install a new motherboard, I would like to format my HD to do this,
however, I know that I could do an XP repair. BUt if that does not work
then I have to format the HD.
But, I have 3 installs (the most you can have) on my WIndows office 2007 and
I am afraid that it will show it as the 4th install since the MB is
different. Does the IP address change (I hope Microsoft goes by that) when I
change the MB?
Will I be able to install 2007 after formatting my HD ?


DLGolfs said:
I want to install a new motherboard, I would like to format my HD to do
however, I know that I could do an XP repair. BUt if that does not work
then I have to format the HD.
But, I have 3 installs (the most you can have) on my WIndows office 2007
I am afraid that it will show it as the 4th install since the MB is
different. Does the IP address change (I hope Microsoft goes by that) when
change the MB?
Will I be able to install 2007 after formatting my HD ?

Office is not the same as Windows in this respect - you are allowed three
concurrent installs and it doesn't matter what computers those three are on,
as long as all you have is three.

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