2007 reconfigures



I downloaded the trial version of home and student because its needed for
classes I am taking. Each and every time its started it goes into config
mode. I have word 97 on my C drive and don't want to loose it so I installed
the trial on my F drive. Apparently the trial version is not supported at
microsoft. When I gave them the product ID on their site it comes up as
invalid. The product ID number that shows up on the about is
81602-372-842596-68309. What can be done to get rid of the configuration
process every time the program is started?


dleach7875 said:
I downloaded the trial version of home and student because its needed for
classes I am taking. Each and every time its started it goes into config
mode. I have word 97 on my C drive and don't want to loose it so I
the trial on my F drive. Apparently the trial version is not supported at
microsoft. When I gave them the product ID on their site it comes up as
invalid. The product ID number that shows up on the about is
81602-372-842596-68309. What can be done to get rid of the configuration
process every time the program is started?

Go here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928091/en-us and scroll down to
multiple versions of Word for the fix.


rt click winword.exe, select run as administrator, see if that solves the

BTW Office, from 2002 version installs to a version specific folder, and
provided you dont select the upgrade option, any other version/component
will remain, untouched

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