Rusty User said:
Hi. Does anyone know if the ribbon in Access 2007 can be minimized using
code? I know that it can be hidden using this code:
docmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo
But I just want to minimize it.
Thanks much!
The only way to do this is sendkeys. Furthermore, I have an application in
I want the ribbon minimized for everything EXCEPT reports....
So, I have two functions, one to hide, and one to show.
(and, if the ribbion is already hidden (or showen), then the function does
Public Function ShowReportRibbon()
Dim intRibbonState As Variant
intRibbonState = fReturnRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
"Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Toolbars\Access", _
If intRibbonState = 4 Then
' ribbon in auto hide state, show it...
SendKeys "^{F1}", False
End If
End Function
Public Function HideReportRibbon()
Dim intRibbonState As Variant
intRibbonState = fReturnRegKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
"Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Toolbars\Access", _
If intRibbonState = 0 Then
' ribbon is in full view....hide it...
SendKeys "^{F1}", False
End If
End Function
So, the above does how you how to "read" the state of the ribbion, and if
need be minimiaes it.
So, in the reprots on-load event, we go:
Private Sub Report_Load()
End Sub
And, in the reprots close event, I go:
Note that I am reading the registry in the above via a function called
that code/function can be found here:
If a user double clicks on a menu group, then the ribbon does un-hide.
However, the instant they use a report....I have re-set it back the way I
want. I suppose the hide ribbon could also be run in the startup form, and
thus you can ensure/control the state of the ribbon this way..
It is not ideal...but, does work quite well so far...