2007 - Right margin cutting off words


Jon Cameron

Starting last week, I have had a issue with new emails where the right margin
is ignored and the text streams from line to line by breaking words in half.
For instance, the word "states" will have "state" in the first line, and "s"
in the second line, no hyphen.

I tried to unchecking "Show text wrapped within the document window," but
this had no effect. I tried several of the options in paste, with no change
in behavior.


Jon Cameron

I am still having this issue. Its occurance is random, but consistent
throughout the day. I am now also starting to recieve emails with this same
problem - this only started about a week ago.

Anyone have any ideas. This is very frustrating. I am forced to manually
break each line like a typewriter. However, this causing formatting problem
for the reciever depending on their window size.


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