2007 to 2003 converter (docx-doc) "CONVERTER FAILED TO SAVE THE FI


Professor M

P/T College professor here - MS rolled out this product just in time for
the back to school shoppers and I'm receiving DOCX from students that I am
unable to view/print. While the college has certainly updated their
facilities and labs - I work from home folks, I don't have an office or a
computer on campus.

I'm running XP (SP2) and have used Word Viewer 2003 or Wordpad to view
Word documents for years now with no trouble. Why? Well, I've been
running the same bloody Works suite at home for over 10 years because it
works just stinkin' fine!!

In order to open/print/grade some 10-15 papers (created with several
different releases of the software, no doubt), I have:

1. installed the final version of the Office Compatibility Pack

2. attempted to open these 10 docx. When attempting to open in explorer,
A 'Save As' window opens displaying the error, "The converter failed to save
the file". When I try to open from within Office Viewer 2003, wordpad or
any other application, I get a screen full of code.

3. Uninstalled the final version of the Office Compatibility Pack

4. installed the Office Compatibility Pack - BETA version B2TR

5. uninstalled that product when it didn't open ANY of the docx - same
results as #2

6. installed the final version of the Office Compatibility Pack ONE LAST TIME

7. Same results as #2

I've restarted my machine after each installation/unistallation, run MS
Update, etc, etc, etc; all to no avail.

I'd appreciate any guidance. Papers should be graded and returned in
22 hours.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Although the Compatibility Pack will not work with WordPad or the Works word
processor, if you have Works Suite, then you should have some version of
Word; if it is Word 2000 or 2002, the CP should work with it. According to
the CP should also work with Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003, but the
bottom line is that if none of these options is working right, you may have
to ask students using 2007 to save their documents in .doc format.

Professor M

Note Item #2 in my initial post. With both the final and B2TR Converters,
I have attemped to open the DOCX in Windows Explorer. When I double click,
a "Save As" window opens in my taskbar while an error displays on the screen
reading, "The converter failed to save the file." Click ok, the window
closes - nothing accomplished.
I also attemped to right-click the DOCX and then 'open with' the XML
converter - I get the same error.
Only when I try to open the DOCX from Word Viewer 2003's file menu do I
get this indecipherable code.

If this is the case, both converters are useless with documents saved in
the new 2007 format.

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