
I am experimenting with Excel 2007. I normally use Excel 2003. When I have
unusually large amounts of text in a cell *in 2003* the formula bar displays
all of it. Sometimes that takes up most of the window, but the text is about
8 or 9 points. Under 2007, although I can increase the width and height of
the formula bar, the text is much larger and I must scroll down to see it
all. *Not good* How can I change this is 2007 version?

Roger Govier

Hi Fred

You can minimise the Ribbon.
There is a dropdown at the end of the QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) which
gives this option.
With the Windows XP bar set to Autohide also, I can drag the formula bar
depth down sufficiently to see 31 rows of 101 characters without having
to scroll.

I have not found any method of altering the width of the formula bar
though - how did you achieve this?

Roger Govier

I have not found any method of altering the width of the formula bar
though - how did you achieve this?
Forget that question, I have just realised you can drag the icon with
the Function symbol to the left, eliminating the name box and therefore
increasing the width of the formula bar.

This now gives me 31 rows x 126 characters.

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